With three styles, and different height options, our Permasteel screed rail is versatile, durable, and quick and easy to install.
- Strong, rigid permanent formwork.
- Light in weight, for ease of handling and economic delivery.
- Bundles can be stacked, for ease of storage.
- Different styles available for various slab depths from 40mm to 200mm (note, the slab depth determines which style of product will be supplied).
- Can be cut at any point, and lengths can be joined easily.
- Provides some load transfer capability, superior to aggregate interlock alone. May negate the need for dowels (note, we always recommend load transfer should be calculated by an engineer).
- Supplied in galvanised steel for weather resistance in external applications.
- Suitable for external slabs, and pedestrian use.
- Not recommended for heavy duty areas or where materials handling vehicles are used – refer to our armoured joints section.
Download our specification sheet for full information.
All our products conform to the Construction Products Regulation (Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011), and are CE marked where appropriate.
Make sure you only choose products which are proven to conform – it’s the law.